How to join private spaces/ groups?

  1. Overview
  2. Community
  3. How to join private spaces/ groups?

Sometimes you may come across the following message: 'This Community/ Space is Private'. (Screenprint can be found below).

Rest assured, as there is nothing to worry about.

You can join the relevant groups, depending on your 'status': such as a parent, student or tutor (teacher).

How to join private spaces?

If you are either a 'student' or 'parent', simply hover your mouse icon or navigate through the 'Parents & Students' section, and finally select the '💬 Casual Forum' option. Don't forget to select and tap on the 'Request to Join' button.

If you are a 'tutor', simply hover your mouse icon or navigate through the 'Tutors' section, and finally select the '💬 Casual Forum' option. Don't forget to select and tap on the 'Request to Join' button.

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