Please note: this type of major audience feature or functionality update - shall only be used with caution, by either the Suited Tutor administrators or moderators, unless, there are some really important updates or a good cause, out of which other users have in mind to share.
How can I notify all members of this forum?
Simply, from the top right corner of any post(s), if you click on the '(...)' icon, then a drop-down list of options will pop up. Please select 'Notify Members via Email'.
A screenshot for your ease can be found below.

Finally, the following image and text will pop up, to signify that the post has been successfully sent.

When is it appropriate to send such mass updates to everyone?
If there are any aspirations or perhaps suggestions that you would like to share, please approach first either this forum's administrators or moderators.
If you decide to publish any posts, without notifying the admins or moderators or getting any type of approval from them; then the post will not only be removed immediately, but you also risk being removed from this forum.