Our cheerful and high-spirited Community always rewards its members, when they like, comment and publish any posts in the Suited Tutor space; in the form of 'Karma' points.
In other words, the more comments, posts or likes you share, through your continuous and active engagement, the more karma points you will earn. (Tip: read through the whole article's content, to find out more exciting news!)
What are the different leaderboard levels?
Based on the cumulative karma points that a member has earned so far, each member can check their current level or rank, i.e. Level 5, along with the number of points that they still require to progress to the next level or rank. This is accessible via the 'View Leaderboard' option, located on the top right corner of the screen, using either a tablet or a desktop).
(An example can be found below).

To add, there is a leadership board, (= leaderboard), which displays the top 3 contributors, including a list of all members' rank tiers, such as a 'Rookie', 'Novice', 'Lord / Lady', 'Baron / Baroness', 'Duke / Duchess', 'Legend' 🇬🇧 and many more tier promotions. (Screenshot attached).

Are there any benefits, based on your rank or level?
Absolutely, yes!
If a fellow member reaches any of the following ranks, then they will earn some incredible benefits:
- Life Peer: a brief (virtual) 1:1 with a fellow staff member of Suited Tutor
- Lord / Lady: a branded T-shirt of your preferred size and colour
- Marquess / Marchioness: an electronic gadget, such as a smartphone, smartwatch, headphones or speaker
- Prince / Princess: a holiday trip of x 2, i.e. for you and your friends for 2-3 nights in Europe. (It also depends on your geographical location)
- Grandmaster: a meal with the CEO and getting to explore London and its majestic sightseeing gems 💂 🇬🇧
What if I have some great ideas to share?
We would love to hear from you!
Simply, navigate through the left-had-side panel and then select the '💡 Share Ideas' category, to share your enthusiasm and ideas!