Suited Tutor lets Course Creators take the Course Pricing Reins

  1. Overview
  2. Courses
  3. Course Creators
  4. Suited Tutor lets Course Creators take the Course Pricing Reins

Suited Tutor, a leading course-selling and educational platform, believes in giving educators - full autonomy over their content.

Course creators on Suited Tutor have the freedom and autonomy to set their own prices for their published courses, putting them in control of their earning potential. While Suited Tutor's customer support team offers valuable insights on pricing strategies, and proofreading services, along with the provision of constructive feedback, the ultimate decision rests with the online instructors.

This approach not only empowers educators to showcase their expertise but also fosters a diverse range of courses, catering to varied budgets. Our commitment to supporting and respecting the autonomy of our charismatic course creators - sets us apart in the online education realm.

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