Where are the lessons conducted?

  1. Overview
  2. Student FAQs
  3. Tuition Classes
  4. Where are the lessons conducted?

Unlimited Lesson Possibilities

The location of the session can take place anywhere, and depends purely upon your (as a mature student or your parent) and the tutor's mutual agreement. Traditionally, tuition takes place at the student's/parent's house or it can be at the tutor's home address. Occasionally, classes are conducted at a local library, taking into account that both tutors and parents collectively agree upon this type of arrangement. Alternatively, the classes can take place remotely/online.

It would be advisable to relay your expressed preferences and delivery method to the tutors, as early as possible, through Suited Tutor's in-built system, to ensure higher chances of tuition compatibility.

Please note: if the classes are going to be conducted in person, either at the parent's or tutor's home, and the student happens to be less than 16 years of age, then a family member from the student's side, who is older than 18 years old shall be present.

Where to Find the Location Details?

Should you ever need to check the location details of a session, you should be able to find them on either your Suited Tutor account or email confirmation.

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