As a tutor I bought some study materials for my student(s)? Who would bear those costs?

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  4. As a tutor I bought some study materials for my student(s)? Who would bear those costs?

Material and Study Expenses

This article has been compiled for a wide audience, but in particular, it will be of great value to:

  • Students 
  • Parents / Guardians
  • Tutors / Teachers

Best Practices for Payments and Material Costs

Prior to committing, as a tutor/teacher, to purchase any study materials, (such as course books, workbooks, revision booklets or flashcards), on behalf of your student(s) or parents, it would be advisable to refer to the guidelines below:

  • For whom are the materials? If there are any recommended materials that you would like to relay to the parents or students, then, if the students or parents are going to keep hold of them, then you may either suggest purchasing the materials on their behalf or appoint them in the right direction, so that they can buy them. Gentle reminder: if you decide as a tutor/teacher to purchase the materials, upon mutual tutor and parent/student agreement, then please keep hold of the receipt or invoice, so that you would be compensated by them respectively.

Please note: as a tutor/teacher it would not be advisable to purchase the study materials on behalf of the parents or students, based on your discretion or without communicating this to them, or not getting their consent. Alternatively, you may or may not be refunded for those resources.

Should the tutor/teacher decide to buy the hard copies or materials and keep them for themselves, then, the tutors would be liable for bearing those costs.

Good to Know

Should any disputes arise between any tutors/teachers and parents/students, then you can email us, and a diligent member of our Suited Tutor team would be happy to help you.

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