Course Creators' Guide to Account Security and Best Practices

  1. Overview
  2. Courses
  3. Course Creators
  4. Course Creators' Guide to Account Security and Best Practices

At Suited Tutor, we celebrate the dedication of our diligent online instructors and are thrilled to provide guidance - on maintaining a secure and thriving teaching experience. Your journey with us is not just about enthusing knowledge, but also ensuring your online presence remains safeguarded.

The Key to Security: Guarding Passwords

Upon creating your profile, treat your account's private password - as the key to your successful journey with Suited Tutor. Please avoid the temptation of sharing your private password with other fellow online instructors, to maintain the integrity of your uniquely generated account. This is a testament to your outstanding performance in successfully completing the two-round interview.

Building Fortresses: Crafting Strong Passwords

For enhanced security purposes, delve into our article 'How do I create a safe and strong password?' Find out valuable insights on creating robust passwords, to fortify your personal account against potential exposure; safeguarding your online presence.

Individual Profiles, Collective Strength

Suited Tutor values the individuality of each online instructor. Sharing passwords with other peers not only poses significant security risks, but also contradicts our 'Website Terms of Use' policy. Please uphold the exclusivity of your profile, to avoid the risk of account deactivation.

Suited Tutor’s Commitment to You

In our pursuit of creating a safe and fair environment, Suited Tutor prioritises the well-being of both students and course creators alike. We aspire to cultivate a nourishing space, where satisfaction and joy flourish, ensuring your journey as a course creator is both secure and highly rewarding. United we can collectively shape a future of educational brilliance!

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