Can I reschedule or cancel any confirmed lessons?

  1. Overview
  2. Parent FAQs
  3. Tuition Classes
  4. Can I reschedule or cancel any confirmed lessons?

Rescheduled Lessons?

As a parent, you can reschedule any successfully confirmed lessons, however, an in-advance notice of ideally 48 hours (or at least 24 hours) should be provided to the tutors.

We also empathise with the fact that sometimes some unexpected life events may occur, such as catching a cold or having a doctor's appointment, nevertheless, we would highly recommend you - to reach out to your tutor(s) and update them about your circumstances, so that they will be kept in the loop.

Cancelled Lessons?

If you have any confirmed and pending bookings that are due to take place in the next few days, and you decide to cancel your lesson(s), then you should provide plenty of notice to your tutor, ideally more than 48 hours (or at least 24 hours) in advance, by dropping them a message, so that they would be informed.

In case you decide to reschedule or cancel the class, without notifying the tutor in less than 24 hours, then it can be upon the tutor's discretion, whether they decide to keep a portion of the lesson's earnings or not. Should such cases get repeated, referring to the lessons' rescheduling or cancellation in less than 24 hours, from the parent's perspective, then the tutor(s) can keep 50% of the lesson's earnings. 

Finally, if you decide to reschedule or cancel a class without notifying your tutor, in less than 3 hours before your lesson starts, then you will be charged 100% of the session's earnings.

Good To Know

You can read and find out more about our Cancellation Policy here. If you need any further support, our friendly team at Suited Tutor would be happy to help you.

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