I'm having network connection issues. What shall I do?

  1. Overview
  2. Troubleshooting
  3. I'm having network connection issues. What shall I do?

Network connection Issues?

Should you ever come across any unforeseen or technical connectivity issues, we would recommend consulting the following helpful troubleshooting guidelines.

Troubleshooting Steps

List of possible causes and associated solutions:

  1. Depleted Battery: Please make sure your computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device is adequately charged or connected to a charger.
  2. Deactivated Wi-Fi Icon or Setting: Please ensure the Wi-Fi setting or icon on your computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device is enabled or activated.
  3. Unsupported or Incompatible Browser: We would personally advise the use, (for your best browsing experience), of either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox and please ensure your browser is up-to-date. (There might be a slim possibility that you may need to uninstall and reinstall the browser or application). If in doubt or unsure, whether your browser version is out of date, you may use the following link.
  4. Frozen Screen: In the case, your computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device is frozen or unresponsive, it would be advisable to restart your device.
  5. Too Many Open Apps and Tabs: Occasionally, if you have multiple or way too many tabs running in the background, this may slow down your device's processing speed or even make your computer unresponsive. Thus, it would be prudent to close down any unnecessary tabs working in the background, to ensure a better browsing experience.
  6. Wi-Fi Network Switch: You may have connected your computer or laptop with another Wi-Fi network or perhaps paired it with your mobile device, which may be out of range. Thus, kindly check your home router and ensure you are connected to the appropriate network.
  7. Weak Wi-Fi Signal: In the case, you live in a rural area or your computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device is out of network range or has a weak signal; you may try rebooting your house router or get closer to it, to help make the signal stronger. (If in doubt, you may try and test your internet speed here).
  8. VPN or AdBlock Restriction: You may consider tweaking your VPN settings or perhaps disable any of the AdBlock extensions, which will help establish a stable connection or rectify your network connection.
  9. Device Selection: For the best browsing and enhanced user experience, we would highly suggest the use of a computer or laptop.
  10. Network Provider: Should you experience any consecutive network glitches or are unable to connect, you may check your house router's name and call your network provider, for any further guidance or support. As there might be some (work in progress) local infrastructure projects, which may affect your network connection. (If you wish to check your internet service provider, you may click on the following link). 

Please note: the above list of troubleshooting guidelines is not an exhaustive list of possible issues and respective solutions.

Good to Know

If you have attempted to rectify any of those common issues, by following the instructions above, but the network issues are still insistent; then it would be advisable to either reach out to us or notify your tutor(s), should any scheduled classes are about to take place in the next 24 hours. You can always count on us, as we are here to support you.

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