Does Suited Tutor provide an employment or character reference?

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  4. Does Suited Tutor provide an employment or character reference?

Employment References

References can be related to people, whom you happen to know, along with their associated names and contact information. They can give your potential employer the chance, to verify that you have worked - both where you claim to have worked or still working, and that you are a good employee. 

What are the criteria to receive an employment or character reference?

As formerly mentioned in our "What are the requirements to become a tutor at Suited Tutor?" article, you would need to have the right to work as self-employed within the UK, and thus, for us to offer you a character reference or acknowledgement that you are part of Suited Tutor's elite network, then, the following requirements need to be sufficed:

  • As a tutor, you need to have worked with us for at least 6 months 
  • To receive a positive reference, you will be assessed on your timely response, professional conduct, customer feedback and the level of professionalism you have exhibited, based on our customer support team's interactions.
  • As a tutor, you have not breached our Tutor Code of Conduct and Ethics policy
  • As a tutor, you have not been involved in any prohibited activities or misconduct, related to our Harassment and Bullying Policy handling breaches.

What happens next, if my professional conduct suffices the above criteria?

Should your professionalism and diligent academic services fulfil the above requirements, then, we would advise you to send us an email at,  enclosing a detailed description, in regards to the goals and objectives you would like to achieve.

Once your email has been successfully received, a friendly team member from Suited Tutor will review your email request and will come back to you, as soon as possible.

In what language is the reference going to be written?

The reference will be written in English.

Good to Know

We, at Suited Tutor, will always go out of our way, to support our thriving and passionate tutors and help them achieve their aspiring career goals. We are invested in our bright tutors' careers and long-term success, as much as they are, because we trust and recognise their versatile contributions. 

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