How and when do I get paid?

  1. Overview
  2. Tutor FAQs
  3. How and when do I get paid?

Lesson Earnings and Payments

In terms of your monthly or annual lesson earnings, this depends purely on your expressed work preferences and flexibility. You are the boss of your own, and you can ultimately decide and determine, when, where, how many hours and the class delivery method.

In addition, when you sign up, you will be asked to fill in your UK bank details, (as you will be allocated a digital wallet on our secure platform), as we pay tutors directly into their bank accounts. We aim to process digital payments as early as possible, which relies on your bank account provider and can take between 2-5 working days.

How do I initiate a payment request from my allocated wallet?

Once the classes with your students are complete, then you can sign into your account and request to withdraw your lessons' earnings. A member of our team will review your request, and this kind of process can take between 2-5 working days, depending on your UK bank provider.

Is there a list of UK banks that I can refer to?

Of course, there is. We would personally advise the following list of well-known banks and building societies:

What if my payment doesn't come through?

We will do our best to accommodate our tutors' requests, and thus, if your payment is delayed or hasn't come through, then you could get in touch with us, and we will get it sorted for you, right away.

What kind of currency is used for the conducted lessons?

We are using pound sterling (GBP) for our day-to-day payments.

Can I accept any offline incentives or cash?

Here at Suited Tutor, we only accept digital/online transactions, as any type of offline, cash or other types of transactions, outside the Suited Tutor platform will result in a breach of our Tutor Code of Conduct and Ethics and Customer Code of Conduct company policies. Please note: depending on the offence that might be conducted, from the tutor's perspective, then he/she will be subject to our firm's Disciplinary Policy and Procedures.

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